Well, it's working! So far this week, I've been to the gym everyday with Hubs, eaten more carefully, and cut pop out - minus the few sips I had today. ;) I'm officially down 5lbs!!! Yay!!!
I still have a long way to go but I feel good about my start! I'm not without help. If you're looking for some too, may I recommend my FAVORITE APP? Anyone on a diet should check it out. It's similar to the concept of Weight Watchers... but it focuses on calorie counting instead of "points"... which I always found annoying. Any who, the app is called MY FITNESS PAL. Look it up, use it, love it! I haven't found anything it doesn't know the nutrition information for and it's usually very accurate. It even has a barcode scanner so you can search for products that way too. It was my lifeline when I lost 20lbs last year. I also love that you can have "friends" on it! If you are looking for a diet buddy, friend me on there. I appreciate all of the support and I enjoy supporting others in need!
Tomorrow marks the first day back after our Christmas vacation. First order of business - remove all junk food from my classroom! After that, I'm going to teach my buns off as usual, get girl-child to dance class, and hit the gym!
Have a great Monday everyone! I'm off to get my sleepy babies to bed, do a little at-home-cardio, and prep to see my smiley second graders in the morning! I can't wait!
Until we meet again, soon-to-be Mrs. Skinny Teacher - signing out!
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