Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Turning into Mrs. Skinny Teacher...

Skinny teacher... two words that don't always go together. Sure you have those young, cute teachers with all of their energy and metabolism - but we all know that isn't the norm. Most of us are "would you like a birthday cupcake" eating, pop drinking, and quick lunch eating fools! I was blessed this year to start teaching at a new school where the parents are VERY giving. Indirectly, they've given me about 20 pounds I didn't start the year having. Don't get me wrong! I LOVE it there and I LOVE everyone I get to work with! I just don't love that I've undone everything I worked hard to accomplish this time last year.

Those that know me well know that this isn't my first weight loss blog. The last one ended last May after hubby made me a deal. I had to get rid of 20lbs before my step-son, Zachary's, birthday. It took a LOT of work but I did it! The deal ended with me getting a new fun summer wardrobe. Unfortunately... old habits die hard. SO! Here I am again... healthy choices round two.

Here's my first tip for the dieting public. I'm starting mine today and I'm VERY excited. I found this idea on Pinterest, of course, and I thought it was exactly the visual I need! I'm planning on keeping it in my kitchen. I've been avoiding that place, (the kitchen), all day and it has been HARD! I know it will get easier once I start back to school. Teaching may make dieting hard, (you know... because of the cupcakes), but staying home with that KITCHEN hanging around is WORSE!
So... that's all I have for this installment. Today I've had some oatmeal for breakfast (a metabolism booster), and a salad with a little parm and a tiny scoop of cranberries in it. Yum! I forgot that I actually like eating healthy food. Any words of advice and encouragement are always welcome in comments! I appreciate all of the help and support!!!
For now... Mrs. Skinny Teacher (or soon-to-be), is signing off!

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